What Is Hepatitis B?

Hepatitis B is the most common killer serious liver infection in the world today. It is caused by the Hepatitis B virus that attacks and injures the liver with maximum force. Over 2 billion people (or 1 in 3) have been infected by this deadly virus and about 300 million people are living with a Chronic Hepatitis B Infection. Each year up to 1 million people die from hepatitis B despite the fact that it is preventable and treatable.

liver pictorial description

The hepatitis B virus (HBV) is transmitted through blood and infected bodily fluids. It can be passed to others through direct contact with blood, unprotected sex, use of illegal drugs, unsterilized or contaminated needles, and from an infected woman to her newborn during pregnancy or childbirth.
Hepatitis B is a “silent epidemic” because most people do not have symptoms when they are newly infected or chronically infected. Thus, they can unknowingly spread the virus to others and continue the silent spread of the deadly Hepatitis B Virus. For people who are chronically infected but don’t have any symptoms, their liver is still being silently damaged which can develop into serious liver disease such as Cirrhosis or Liver Cancer.

Common Symptoms of Hepatitis Infections are:

  • Fatigue
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Dark urine
  • Pale stool
  • Abdominal pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Yellow skin and eyes, which may be signs of jaundice
The good news is that hepatitis B is Preventable and Treatable. There is a simple blood test to diagnose a hepatitis B infection. Testing is the only way to know for sure if you are infected. There is a safe vaccine to prevent hepatitis B. There are effective drug therapies that can manage a Chronic Hepatitis B Infections and Cure it within weeks. (Click here to order the new and approved hepatitis/liver treatment and preventive pack)


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